
Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I'm a passionate developer seeking a full-time position in software engineering, with an emphasis on backend development and web applications. I love the outdoors, whether it’s hiking the National Parks or skiing the neighborhood slopes. I am also an avid reader (mostly sci-fi and fantasy), and you can catch me cozied up with a good book on rainy days. I relish the opportunity to push myself and am a firm believer that you never truly know what you are capable of until you try.


I just wrapped up an incredible internship with Pattern, and am back on the market looking for a full-time position with a team of doers. If you think I'm a good fit, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

  • Full Name: Taylor H. West
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Degree B.S in Bioinformatics, minor in Computer Science Minor in Computer Science


My areas of expertise are computer science and bioinformatics. Below are highlights of my technical skills:

  • 90%
    MS Suite
  • 75%
  • 80%
    Ruby on Rails
  • 50%
  • 75%

More of my credentials.

Here is a bit more about my work experiences and education.

Work Experience

Backend Software Engineering Intern

August 2023 - May 2024


Created value for the leading Ecommerce accelerator in the world by designing and implementing a major project that redefined how customer information is stored and managed internally, which added the ability to store complex corporate relationships to an existing PostgreSQL database managed by Ruby on Rails

System Developer

August 2022 - August 2023

BYU Dining Technology

Learned and used the Microsoft Azure suite to develop processes and pipelines for a high-volume mobile ordering system with thousands of daily users. Worked with a team to design, build, debug, and deploy applications in an Agile environment. Used Swagger and OpenAPI to create documentation laying out requirements for a custom API endpoint to an outside contractor.

Research Assistant

January 2022 - Present

Bailey Bioinformatics Lab

Worked with a small team in collaboration with the Huntsman Cancer Institute at UofU to develop a R-Shiny web app that utilizes machine learning and a custom R pipeline to perform matrix transformations on a broad range of inputted genomic data, generating and visualizing a novel Polygenic Risk Score

Academic Experience

BIO 465

April 2024

Capstone in Bioinformatics

Worked with a team of peers to create a bioinformatics tool that predicts novel protein active sites through a combination of structural analysis and sequence conservation. Team Lead for programming and version control.

CS 340

December 2023

Software Design

Developed a highly scalable Java backend for an Android application that used AWS cloud technologies to host, route, and run RESTful services following enterprise software design principles. Studied software architecture and patterns for maintainability.

CS 202/203

December 2023

Software Engineering Lab

Gained experience with various tools for source code testing and dependency management in Java (JUnit, Mockito, Selenium, Maven, etc.).

CS 312

December 2022 (current)

Algorithms Design and Analysis

Learned to design and implement algorithms in a performance-sensitive context, utilizing principles such as Big-O notation, Divide and Conquer, Branch and Bound, Dynamic Programming, and Greedy Algorithms. Created Python implementations of the Miller-Rabin primality test, a convex-hull problem, Dijkstra's algorithm, and the Traveling Salesperson problem.

CS 240

April 2022

Advanced Programming Concepts

Developed a full-stack Android application in Java. Created custom web APIs to connect a frontend client to a persistent SQLite relational database backend. Native Android frontend included a Google Maps API in the Graphical User Interface and all parts of the project used JUnit testing units throughout the development process

CS 260

January 2022

Web Programming

Designed and implemented websites using Javascript (Node.js, Express, Vue.js, vuex), Bootstrap, and MongoDB. Used command line tools to deploy each of the 5 websites (with associated databases) built over the course of the class onto a remote virtual machine running Linux.

CS 236

September 2021

Discrete Structure

Used a wide variety of basic discrete mathematical structures and concepts to design and create a relational database from the ground up in C++. Database featured text parsing/lexical analysis and datalog query processing. Code was optimized to reach speed benchmarks.

CS 235

January 2021

Data Structures

Learned about and manually implemented fundamental data structure and algorithms, including linked lists, binary search trees, hash tables, insertion sort and quicksort algorithms.

MATH 215

January 2021

Computational Linear Algebra

Implemented matrix and vectors solutions to analyze multidimensional scientific and technological problems, working in Python (numPy and Matplotlin libraries)


Bachelor's Degree

September 2017 - April 2024

Brigham Young University

Majoring in Bioinformatics (3.7 GPA) with a Minor in Computer Science.

High School Degree

March 2017

Sky View High School

I was chosen as a captain of my debate team, training and leading 10-20 novice members in my event. Additional extracurriculars included track, cross-country, and swimming.


Check out my creations.


Volunteering and Extracurriculars

Summary of my leadership & extracurricular activities

Care Coordinator

Community Health Connect September 2021 - Present

Coordinated treatment plans and clerical aspects
Trained on HIPPA compliance and associated data security measures
Onboarded patients into the program, primarily in Spanish.

Executive Secretary

El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints September 2017 - September 2019

Built a custom pipeline in Visual Basic that produced weekly reports for top management on time-sensitive data with an estimated efficiency boost of 600%
Wrote custom VBA macros to automate common processes
Served as an administrative coordinator to an organization of more than 170 missionaries.

Engineering State

Utah State University June 2016

I was accepted into Engineering State based on my academic excellence, citizenship, and strong interest in math, science and technology. This week-long youth camp is by invitation only for selected students entering their senior year of high school.


I'd Love To Connect With You.

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Where to find me

Provo, UT
84604 US

Email Me At

[email protected]

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LinkedIn Profile